
Nordic Bildung organizes bildung networks and events, we produce fresh thinking and publish books, articles, videos, and podcasts, and we host courses and workshops and give keynotes–and more.

Yet, it is often very difficult to explain what it is that we actually do.
It seems we are making a difference.
Here is what some of our participants say:

I’m falling up. I am bombarded with new thoughts, stories, quite unexpected viewpoints and experiences. This is called Nordic Bildung Future Academy, and I really love the way this unusual program is constructed and run: without fears, with plenty of jokes and good humor, and high-level thinking. This is true learning—making me feel like my mind is actually expanding. It really is: UP!

Mihail Krikunov
Dean, Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine

Participating in the future academy training has been like opening new windows of possibilities in my mind. Grounded scientific content, disruptive innovative ideas brougth with wisdom and care by Lene in each module enhances the curiosity and willingness to cocreate a more meaninful future for education and society.

Ines Medeiros
Psychologist and founder of Values Move, Brazil

The Bildung events are a source of hope that emerges, witnessing incredible human capacities to apply education to solve complex social, environmental, cultural, political, or economic problems. The people who gather at the events are the fateful minority that, through partnerships and prototypes, draw trajectories for future Bildung development.

Irena Pranskevičiūtė
School principal, Domus Solis, Lithuania

If you want to understand bildung, you need to understand something about everything. Which quickly becomes shallow. When Lene Rachel Andersen explains bildung, however, you see the full picture in a way that allows you to grasp the many facets of bildung, historically as well as regarding the future.

Lene Dammand Lund
Rector, the Royal Danish Academy, Denmark

European Bildung Day is the best ground to share and learn the perspectives that are forming our reality now. In a more disconnected world we need platforms like this that help us understand each other better and expand our worldview beyond our cultural, national or other bubbles..

Elena Tochilina
Organizational consultant and leadership coach, Ukraine

The European Bildung Day seemed like a very elaborate and intricate organization/event, yet it felt very personal and “down-to-earth”. Songs and jokes helped me personally to change my perspective from an outsider to part of the group..

Lyuba V. Nicheva
Student of Political Science at Leiden University, from Bulgaria

Attending European Bildung Day 2024 was like coming home. Finally a group of people who not only are curious about identifying the complexities of the problems with education, they are also all already out there working to solve them.

Kåre Wangel
Sociocracy consultant, Denmark

Attending the European Bildung Day 2024 was an incredibly enriching experience for me. The event provided deep insights into the concept of Bildung and its underlying principles, broadening my understanding significantly. Beyond the excellent learning opportunities, I also had the chance to connect with many remarkable individuals, making the experience both intellectually and personally fulfilling. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this event..

Martijn van Ginneken
Student of business administration, The Netherlands

Being part of the Global and the European Bildung Networks has reinforced our belief in the importance of a shared mission: advancing Bildung in the 21st century. Feeling and understanding that De Bildung Academie is not alone in this mission, but part of a global community dedicated to Bildung, has been profoundly motivating. We look forward to ongoing collaboration and the continued exchange of knowledge to shape the future of education and learning together.

Michiel Tolman
Co-founder and leader of De Bildung Academie, The Netherlands

Bildung as it should be: more than in name only. The Bildung conference is an actual active reflection on the state of the art on Bildung. Lessons learned are presented, and mutual education takes place. Those sharing the Bildung interest do meet. Together, to assist each other with self-development.

Bert Meeuwsen
LtCol (ret.) Bert Meeuwsen MBA MEd PGCHE FHEA, The Netherlands

The European Bildung Days 2024 in Rotterdam were truly inspiring! The event brilliantly showcased how Bildung answers the right questions for personal and societal growth. A must-attend for anyone passionate about holistic education and development!

Armin Sieber
School principal, consultant for school development, Switzerland

In today’s world, connecting with human potential is vital. Nordic Bildung and Global Bildung Network are exceptional in this, rejuvenating Bildung with a practical, comprehensive approach. They’re bringing Bildung back to its rightful place..

Laurens van de Vijver
CEO, Provalliance, The Netherlands

I was fortunate to spend time in Rotterdam this spring, and met people from all over Europe interested in Bildung/Danning. I was welcomed into a network with high ceiling and low thresholds, and met people who were genuinely curious on each others perspectives on life and learning. The Bildung network challenged me, and challenged itself throughout the different workshops, plenum and group sessions filled by a range of presentations and perspectives. Thank you for inviting me to share my perspective of career competence and Bildung, I will definitely do my part to keep the network vital.

Kjell-Helge Kleppestø
Carreer consultant, Norway

The European Bildung Day I attended was very inspiring and gave space to making new connections among all attendees. I liked the locations as well as the lunch and a short walk between locations. I would recommend people who are interested in Bildung to attend, to gain new insights, broaden your network and get inspired to take action.

Martijn Derksen
Docent, Fontys, The Netherlands

What to say, The European Bildung Day in Rotterdam showed me the Europe I am dreaming about, a friendly, sincerely concerned about the future which has been actively creating by true professionals with the idea of Bildung at thier heart. I’ve returned to Ukraine with a deep desire to make it happen!

Mihail Krikunov
Dean, Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine