
GBF2022 Videos now Online

The videos from Global Bildung Festival 2022 in March are now all online here:

New Book: Libertism

Libertism Grasping the 21st Century New book by Lene Rachel Andersen From the Solar system to the interaction of atoms and molecules, and from the cells in our body to the ecosystems that define our life circumstances, humans consist of and are embedded in systems. Some of these systems we can do nothing about, other systems we can design and … Read More

Network Now Online

The Global Bildung Network now has its own social medium, and we are looking very much forward to meeting you there:

European Bildung Day 2022 May 6-9

It is the fourth time that we organize European Bildung Day on and around Europe Day, May 9th. After two years online, the European Bildung Day will be held in Copenhagen, where we explore bildung in general and bildung in Europe in particular: Practical information and tickets here: All speakers here: