Nordic Bildung Network

Together with bildung people from across the Nordics, we are now working towards establishing a Nordic network that focuses on bildung in the Nordics. The agenda is two-fold: To strengthen bildung in the Nordics today, including strengthening the awareness about our bildung history and bildung tradition. And to share knowledge about bildung and bildung methods with educators and decision makers around the globe.

Our goal is to create a Nordic bildung conversation and collaboration that spans from Greenland in the North West to Denmark in the South and Finland in the East. And from nursery to masters degree and life-long learning and professional training, as well as from the informal education and bildung that takes place among the scouts and in sports to the very most formal education at our universities. Bildung is a life-long endeavor, and we need a better understanding of bildung from cradle to grave.

You can read more about it, including the NBN Mission Statement, here:

The first meeting in this new network was hosted by the Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation KVS: — or as they call them selves: The Fearless Defender of Sivistys (sivistys means bildung in Finnish). In the picture you see us holding different KVS bildung values.

Our next meeting will be at Nordiska Folkhögskolan in Kungälv, just north of Gothenburg, Sweden, October 10-11, 2024:

The Future of Bildung in the Nordics; read more about the conference here:

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