We are currently working on this project in Danish only.
What is the good life like?
What are important values?
How does one navigate the complex world we’ve created?
Join us for a different kind of Summer College where we’ll address the issues that matter to you. It is just one week. It is affordable. It is in Copenhagen, and you don’t have to pack all your stuff and move. You just go home at night!
A great summer progam is not Kumbaya in the sunset, it is a place where your assumptions about the world are challenged, so you emerge on the other side knowing more about yourself and the world.
At Nordic Bildung’s Summer College, you also get an opportunity to be heard: You and the other participants get to invite two people each who really matter to you to come and hear your presentations Friday afternoon 16-18h. We will invite two politicians so your messages find their way to the Parliament and the City Council.
The Program
During the six days, we will go on a journey through time in human history, so that we can better find and understand ourselves:

Sunday: Welcome and who are you? What are your dreams? What is the good life?

Monday: Humans have existed for 300,000 years; our brains are suited to a life in nature in small tribal communities. What does it take for us to feel good? We’ll set up our discussion camp on the beach.

Tuesday: For 5,000 years, civilization has struggled with power, inequality, hope, injustice, well-being, and life’s big questions. What is civilization? Can we reflect on the past and see ourselves better?

Wednesday: How the f*** can industrial society produce so much abundance so cheaply, yet so many are miserable? What are your rights? What is success?

Thursday: You grew up in a postmodern world of irony where everything is deconstructed and nothing has deep meaning. At the same time, you yourself have to make a lot of difficult choices about your future. Where is the world heading? How can you take ownership of your life?

Friday: What is the good life and how can it become deeply meaningful? Good combinations of the experiences of humankind are what we call metamodernity. What would you like to say to the world? And who are the two people most important to you, whom you would like to invite to come and hear it?
We’ll conclude the week with a party for the group.
We will test the program during the 2023-2024 semesters and plan to run it as a one-week summer retreat in July 2024.
College “principals”:

Jonas Søvik, 24 år, har gået på Vrå Højskole og studerer psykologi i Aarhus. Han laver projekter med Effective Altruism og er bl.a. med til at styre gruppen i Aarhus. Han drømmer om en dag at starte sin egen højskole.

Alexander Guldager, 20, went to a folk high school and is now studying Artificial Intelligence at DTU.

Lene Rachel Andersen, 54, heads the philosophical think tank Nordic Bildung, she is, among other things, a futurist, philosopher, and author of the books: Baade-Og, The Nordic Secret, Metamodernity, Dannelse, and Libertisme.
Read more about Lene here: https://www.lenerachelandersen.com/
Summer 2024:
There is room for 35 participants. We meet for common breakfast and morning gathering every day. Then we use the city, its museums, and the Copenhagen Beach as a background for the teaching and our discussions during the day. At At 16:30 we return to the breakfast room, continue the discussions and prepare for a joint dinner. The day ends at 22.
The idea behind:
The traditional folk high school is a fantastic invention! But a stay is expensive and 5 months is a long time. That is why we – Jonas, Alexander and Lene – have decided to host a Summer College in the city for a week. Here you have the opportunity to gain insight and food for thought, which is based on the same values and principles as other summer colleges.
If you have any questions, please contact Lene Rachel Andersen at