What kind of policy making, legislation, and public institutions do we need in a world of social media, AI, climate change, and a host of other wicked problems?
The legislation, institutions, and political structures we have today are products of Gutenberg’s printing press, the steam engine, and the industrialized nation state.
Are they up to the challenges of the 21st Century?
Nordic Bildung can help policy makers, civil servants, and civil society see stronger contours of the future that will allow you to better direct and shape the development.
We do deep converstions, games, keynotes, workshops, and seminars. Online or live. From a handful of people to a full hall.
ABCDEFGH: What it means to be human
Fixing complex, wicked problems is a dauting task. Lene Rachel Andersen and complexity thinker Folarin Gbadebo-Smith from Nigeria have written the article ABCDEFGH: What it means to be human, which may not just serve as the frame around the Global Meeing on Equinox, but which could also very well be a policy paper for any forward looking political party.
PACT: Payments Achievements Cooperatives Trade
An economic infrastructure with easy onboarding at the bottom of subsistence economies; July 2024 project info, we are currently looking for funding to set up the first test.
Introduction to PACT here: https://www.nordicbildung.org/pact/

We have joined Tech for Democracy, an initiative by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs that brings together representatives from governments, multilateral organisations, tech industry and civil society to make technology work for democracy and human rights, not against them.
Problems in the Pipeline; challenges to democracy that current technologies aren’t even capable of creating yet.
Speakers: Professor Ron Folman, Israel, Pernille Tranberg, Data Ethics, Denmark, Christer Nylander, Sweden, and Lene Rachel Andersen, Nordic Bildung, Denmark.
Nordic Bildung discussion and video produced as part of Tech for Democracy, November 2021.