October 10-11: The Future of Bildung in the Nordics

Nordiskt Sivistys Netverkið / Nordic Bildung Network

The Future of Bildung in the Nordics / Bildningens Framtid i Norden / Dannelsens Fremtid i Norden / Danningens Fremtid i Norden

For Nordic educators, policy makers, researchers, and bildung professionals, semi-professionals, and volunteers of all kinds.

October 10-11, 2024, på Nordiska Folkhögskolan i Kungälv, just north of Gothenburg, Sverige

Read more about it here: https://www.globalbildung.net/nbn2024-the-future-of-bildung-in-the-nordics/

and sign up here: https://www.nordicbildung.org/events/future-of-bildung-in-the-nordics-october-10-11/